1. Log in to MyJudson and click Faculty Info from the tabs at the top

  2. Under the "Attendance and Forms" section, click Repository

  3. If prompted, sign in to Office 365 with your Judson email address

  4. Click Choose File and find the syllabus you would like to upload

  5. After choosing your file, click OK

  6. Fill out all the required fields (with an asterisk) with information about the course/syllabus, then click Upload.

• Once uploaded, the file will be in a pending status before being moved to the folder for the year you indicated when uploading. After a minute the file will be moved to the appropriate year folder. (The webpage may need to be refreshed.)

 If you have additional syllabi to upload, click Upload and repeat the steps starting at 4.

 If you have any thoughts or concerns about how we can improve this site please send an email to: SyllabiFeedback@judsonu.edu

If you need further assistance, let us know. Click the new ticket button in the bottom left and we'll help you out!