Leaving the Domain
  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select "Users and Groups"
  3. Select "Login Options" from the side menu
  4. Click the lock icon in the bottom left hand corner
  5. enter in the macadmin credentials
  6. Click "Edit"
  7. Select the joined domain
  8. Click the '-' to remove from the domain
  9. Reboot the Mac

Joining the Domain
  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select "Users and Groups"
  3. Select "Login Options" from the side menu
  4. Click the lock icon in the bottom left hand corner
  5. enter in the macadmin credentials
  6. Click "Join"
  7. Enter into the text box "judsoncollege.edu"
  8. Enter your credentials to complete the joining the domain process
  9. Reboot the Mac

If you need further assistance, let us know. Click the new ticket button in the bottom left and we'll help you out!