eLearn FAQ
What is eLearn?
eLearn is the name of the online Learning Management System at Judson University that cohorts will use as of Fall 2013.
Some of the features eLearn offers are the ability to:
- Access your syllabus and other course documents
- Participate in required online discussion boards
- Check your grade for the course
- Electronically submit assignments
- Receive feedback on your assignments
- Send emails to your instructor and classmates
Who has access to eLearn?
Students (and their instructors) who are currently enrolled Judson course that the instructor has set up an eLearn course for.
How do I access eLearn?
The direct URL is http://elearning.judsonu.edu.
How do I receive my username/password?
Username and passwords are sent via email prior to the first day of class. By default, the username and password is set to the same as what was initially given to log in to MyJudson. The two systems are not linked, so changing your eLearn password will update it for eLearn only.
Who do users contact for eLearn login/password issues?
On the eLearn page there is a link “Forgotten your username or password?” where users can request a password reset. This will send password reset help to their Judson email.
Once logged in how can I change my password?
Click My profile settings (left menu) then click Change password.
If there are any other issues:
Log into eLearn like normal. There will be a form on the right hand side that will ask for information on the error, and will send a ticket to eLearn support. As a reminder, outside of getting into eLearn, IST does not have access to assist with any other issues and this form should be used.